iPhone Screen Broadcasting & Live Streaming Now Possible

Mihai Motocu
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2020


Are you looking to live stream and broadcast to an audience the screen of your iPhone?

Are you a gamer and you want to share your game sessions with your friends or audience?

Streamaxia OpenSDK makes it all possible! Using Apple’s ReplayKit we can change the path of the video source from the camera to the screen capture resource. This way, we can encode the actual screen view instead of the multimedia audio.

This feature doesn’t come included by default in the SDK so you’d need to contact us in order to enable it for you.

Be the first one to provide such a feature and increase your market share!

BroadcastMe App Is Now Free!

The white-label app that encompasses the functionality of the OpenSDK iOS and Android RTMP library is now free for everyone! No more annoying limitations with upgrade pop-ups. Given the current COVID-19 situation, we would like to give a hand and help everyone by delivering high-quality live video streams.

Click here to download it from the App Store or from the Google Play.

